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Alertness Training

In FMI we focus on the positive rather than the negative, preferring User Alertness to User Fatigue. However, from our partner FMSSA in Australia comes a revolutionary "in-you-pocket/on-the-go" mobile training course for the individual lone worker driver, where the emphasis is on awareness and managing the risk of reduced alertness or otherwise better known as "FATIGUE".

Adopting the micro-learning framework, FMSSA has built a series of flexible 5-minute modules covering all aspects of fatigue risk management and the effects that poor sleep quality and fatigue has on driving risk, health and personal wellbeing.

Flexible modular design for ease of use and customisation
Accessible on all devices and easily integrated into existing LMS
Time-saving "in-your-pocket/on-the-go" convenience
Interactive and engaging content, media and pop-ups
Gamification-award points earned during course progression
Unrivalled approach to information delivery to retain User attention
Engaging combination of animations, videos, audio clips, slides, games, activities that deliver facts, science and information to raise awareness as to the potential and often unknown effects of fatigue